$1,000.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I have read & agree to the terms & conditions. This is a one-time payment for the 6-month Soul Rising program. I understand that meetings are held once a week via teleconference with a member portal to access module replays & resources. I have opted for the VIP upgrade. With 2 60-minute teleconference sessions. The schedule will be mutually agreed upon. This is the 6-month payment option of $1,000 per month for 6 months. If you fail to make the payment, access to the portal and group will be revoked. No more charges to your account will take place. No refunds for the previous months paid. 

Soul Rising VIP Payment Plan

Release trauma so you can stop procrastination, get shit done to make money & live the life you love.

Transform your stories to do the work that lights you up and fulfills you so you can live the life you love like taking more adventures, traveling to places you've never been & more. 

Build unstoppable momentum to step into your confidence and self-trust so you can work on your terms and create a soul-led business that gives you the financial and time freedom you've been dreaming of 

Visualization for Manifestation

Visualize, embody & manifest the next 6 months exactly how you imagine

  • Visualize your success in 6 months
  • Action + healing = integration
  • Fill the gap between now & then
  • Success Meditation

Meditation for Magnetization

Priming the nervous system so you can show up authentically, confidently, and playfully without procrastination, hesitation or doubt

  • Release without reliving
  • Come into alignment with your body to make aligned decisions
  • A moment of presence to slow down to speed up your results
  • Reset & rewire meditation

Releasing for Receiving

Release & Realign Your Energy  so you can do what you love, have space for abundance & wealth while being patient, gentle, & present with yourself & your loved ones

  • Release heavy emotions in 90 seconds (The 90 Second Release Method)
  • Release stagnant energy
  • Release fear of success & failure to speed up your results
  • Align your energy

Empowered Evolution: Reparenting for Success as a Woman

So you can show up fiercely & authentically in your life & your business so you can reach your next income goal & live the life your love & be fully present

  • Release the inner critic & doubt
  • Heal your inner child
  • Integrate your rebel & good girl
  • Release abandonment & rejection

Sacred Liberation: Embody your worthiness through healing family wounds

So you can feel secure, safe & liberated flowing through life-actually living life.

  • Heal your father wound
  • Heal your mother wound

Forgive & Flourish: Cultivating Your Future Self through Self-Forgiveness

So you can take aligned action towards your dreams and goals. Like the beach trip with the kids & giving to yourself without guilt.

  • Forgiveness meditation
  • Forgiveness journal prompts
  • Action plan to step into your power now
  • Ultimate integration meditation

Unleash Your Abundance: Mastering Mindset for Success, Fulfillment & Presence

So you can have it all. Take action, get shit done, make more money, be present & live the life you love.

  • Aligned self-discipline
  • Set standards & boundaries
  • Total connection to yourself
  • Release Limiting Beliefs to Ignite self-trust in getting shit done

VIP Upgrade Program Details

  • 2 one-to-one teleconference calls up to 60 minutes each month
  • 1 teleconference call per week up to 60 minutes
  • A community for ongoing support
  • A portal for all replays

VIP Upgrade Investment

  • $4,500 PIF
  • Payment plan: $1,000 per month for 6 months
  • PayPal Financing available